Sunday, December 18, 2011

New Product Spotlight: Cold Snap Rod Clamp

As fishermen, it seems like most of us can never be content with just one of something.  I will be the first to admit that I have a crankbait, tungsten ice jig, and soft plastic addiction.  I need to have back ups for my back ups because heaven forbid if I were to lose one; I would be lost!  A similar lesson I learned from this experience is to never critique my wife for buying purses or shoes.  For if she was ever to see my collection of crankbaits, tungsten ice jigs, and soft plastics; I would be eating a lot of crow!

So what does any of that have to do with Cold Snap rod clamps?  Simply put, when you go ice fishing, do you just bring along one rod?  I'm certain that for the vast majority of anglers, the answer to that question is "no".  Many anglers will take anywhere from three to a dozen ice combos out on the ice with them.  A lot of fisherman like to utilize a second rod with a minnow and bobber while they jig with another rod.  Here in Iowa, we are limited to using only two rods on the ice, minus the backwaters of the Mississippi and Missouri River where fisherman are allowed three. In other states more lines are allowed.

So, how does one go about securing the other fishing rod(s)?  With the price of rods and reels increasing each year, one cannot afford to have numerous fishing combos go through the ice and to their watery grave.  There are many rod holder options available. I've certainly used many in my fishing endeavors, but I was never truly satisfied until I started using the Cold Snap rod clamp last winter.  What is nice about this rod clamp is that it attaches directly to the poles of your shack, is adjustable and removable, and is sturdy.  It keeps the rod up and off the ice where it could get accidentally stepped on or kicked in the hole.  For the anglers who do not fish a minnow/bobber setup, you can clamp extra rods right next to you allowing for quick presentation changes.

So, the next time you are thinking about what might be a good option for a rod holder, you may want to consider the Cold Snap Rod Clamps.  They are relatively inexpensive, work great, and have a small footprint in your shack.  The only caveat, is these clamps attach to 7/8" poles like in my Fish Trap Yukon and Fish Trap Pro ice houses.  Shelters with smaller poles, like the instant set up Fish Trap Scout TC or Fish Trap Trapper, do not have large enough diameter poles to support these clamps.

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