Monday, February 27, 2017

DIY Measuring Scoop

Here's a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to make a dual purpose ice scoop.

Many ice scoops on the market have too wide of a diameter to fit inside a 6" hole, but I've found the Lakco scoops work well for that task. They are inexpensive, around three dollars a piece, and can be found at most sporting good stores and bait shops.  The downside to the scoop is that it doesn't have any measurements on it, so i made a quick improvement to allow for that.

I had some adhesive rulers from the Iowa DNR on hand and they worked perfectly for this task.  Simply cut them to length, around 11", and width.  Carefully apply the ruler onto the back side of the scoop as demonstrated below.

These measuring scoops work great for measuring ice thickness as the hooked end firmly holds onto the bottom of the ice.  They also work great for measuring panfish as they are a mini "bump board" with the curved end.

I've been using this scoop for a few years now and am happy to report that so long as you get a good seal between the ruler and the scoop, the ruler will stay on and not peel off.

So if you fish out of a 6" hole and are looking for a scoop with measurements, give it a try.

Fits inside a Genz box allowing for a more mobile system

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